Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A decade on and family court horrors still exist

 I know I haven't posted for a while.  My girl aged out of family court orders almost four years ago now and will not talk to me.  In first half of the decade I was repeatedly stalked by Cheryle MacDonald on a tri-daily basis.  She'd even park out the front of my home and make my daughter give me rude gestures.

There really was no low to the depths this woman would sink to destroy her own child.

In a conversation early on she repeatedly stated that she would not stop what she was doing - using the family courts, police etc to abuse me - until I was out of her life.  Unfortunately my daughter was my life and i was happy to be out of the psychopaths but couldn't do this when she was being illegally detained by a psychopath and a pissweak old geriatric who only cared to hurt me.

More to come ...

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