Saturday, December 8, 2007

Remember Me - Marney Macdonald?

AUBREY BROWN SOLICITORS - CORRUPTING THE LEGAL AID SYSTEM TO RIP OFF THEIR CLIENTS AND MAKE MORE MONEY!!! Get your attention? Good. Because you cannot call this slander or defamation - you did this to me and my daughter. You chose to benefit better financially then to do you job and act as my solicitor and in my best interest. You chose to act in your best interest. This is illegal. This wrecked my life. This wrecked my daughters life. You helped send my beautiful little girl to a paedophile and a psychopath. I told you what they were like when I first met you. I asked you to discuss this with your wife Dennis, as I was aware she was a psychologist. I told you I was not interested in orders and I wanted the matter thrown out of court because my mother was not well. But you CHOSE TO ENFORCE YOUR BELIEFS UPON ME! You chose to discare for the safety of my daughter. You told me children need routines, children should be sent to their grandparents on a weekly basis, you negotiated a deal that would secure you the whole ten thousand dollars off Legal Aid instead of helping me, dealing with the matter immediately, and having it thrown out of court. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY DAUGHTER BEING SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. You are responsible for every single inch of emotional, mental, psychological damage my little girl has suffered from the moment you negotiated me into unnecessary and dangerous orders which made me unable to protect my daughter. When I asked for your help every other week when she was being abused by her grandparents, you merely told me not to breach orders. Not to deny contact. You didn't care for what was being done to my little girl. You didn't care that she was being taken to the doctors because she was sick and then taken to a swimming centre and put in hot and cold pools. You didn't care when I asked for your help because my daughter was being severly emotionally and psychologically abused by my parents. You didn't care when I rang begging for help. Now the world is going to know exactly what you did. And what the consequences of your unforgiveable actions were. LETS SEE IF YOU CARE NOW.